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We despise Abe’s visit to the shrine of the war criminals and demand his sincere apology to Korean and Chinese. We are determined to spread and reveal the hidden policy of Japanese neo-militarism, distortion of war history and war crimes such as sex slaves, Nanjing massacre to worldwide.


We are determined to erect statue of a “girl” that represents those who were forced to work as sex slave, also commonly known as ‘comfort women’. The purpose of this erection is to publicly inform and further educate the growing second generation of Korea and China in Australia and also the Australian citizens about Japan’s brutality and barbarism during Second World War.

한.중 연대 위원회

We request Australian government to put continuous pressure on Japanese government to apologize and compensate in relation of torturing female human rights during World War Two. Besides this political pressure, we also request Australia government to change their perspective of Japan as their best alliance nation in Asia.


We request Australian government to stop their alliance relationship with Japan and modify the foreign policies of North East Asia, which are currently proposed; revolved around Japan and maintain the neutrality of the foreign policy towards the three countries of North East Asia. We seek the rise of righteous Japanese politicians to object against Abe government policies and prevent the descendants of Japan from learning distorted history.


We recommend American government not to be deceived by Japanese government but to investigate the dark hidden intentions of Abe’s government and disallow Japan’s re-armament as well as changing America’s foreign policies of North East Asia by not keeping Japan at the forefront.


We request United Nations (UN) to set up a special committee to further investigate Japan’s war crimes, violation of human rights and to publicize its contents to all the member of UN member nations.


We will maintain our movements of protests again Japan’s war crimes until we achieve the above objectives and are determined to strengthen friendship between Korea and China. For the action of this alliance, we are commencing to collect petition of 10,000 citizens.

위원장        :   Mr. 송석준(한인회 회장)

부위원장     :  Mr. 류병수






Mr. 송석준  (한인회 회장)



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